
¿Qué son los taninos?

What are tannins?

You've probably heard of tannins in wine, but what exactly are they? And how do they affect our way of seeing wine?

Tannins are polyphenols found naturally in plants, seeds, bark, wood, leaves and fruit skin. Polyphenols are macromolecules made up of phenols: Complex interactions of oxygen and hydrogen molecules (Yes, wine is a science!).

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El maridaje perfecto de vino con ensaladas

The perfect wine pairing with salads

Sometimes you don't feel like cooking, so you opt for a salad. But then you wonder how to pair that salad with wine.

Well look no further. We have the perfect pairing for those nights when all you feel like is a quick meal and a glass of wine.

This time, we will see the best way to pair your favorite salad with wine. There can be confusion when it comes to wine and salad, since there are so many different vegetables, cheeses, and meats. But it turns out that the key is in the dressing: we share some recommendations on what type of wines to choose!

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¿Por qué me duele la cabeza con el vino?

Why do I get a headache from wine?

We've all been there: we're at the end of a long night, after drinking too much wine, and a severe headache begins to form. For most of us, the cause of a wine headache is simply drinking too much wine...

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La barrica, tan importante como la uva

The barrel, as important as the grape

The quality of the wood in the barrels plays a decisive role in the aging of a wine. Depending on the type of oak, its age, the size of the barrel, etc., its influence will be different.

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